Congress passed the CARES Act in response to Covid-19, to help individuals and companies suffering financial hardship as a result of the lockdowns and economic uncertainty caused by the Pandemic. In particular, the CARES Act provided mortgage relief in the form of payment suspension or forebearance on federally-insured mortgages for up to a year.
If you took advantage of the CARES Act and have been unable to obtain a loan modification or other loss mitigation to protect your home from foreclosure, contact an attorney immediately. We have successfully helped clients restructure their home mortgage loans through Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and kept them from losing their home in a foreclosure.
If you are not sure how to deal with your mortgage company when your mortgage payment suspension period ends, call us to find out your options. We may be able to help you negotiate a foreclosure forebearance agreement that allows you to keep your home, assist you with requesting a loan modification, or discusss Chapter 13 bankruptcy options. Call today to find out your options. (501)224-2928.